3. Feb, 2022
As part of my interest in photography I derive inspiration from Photographers that produce amazing images and have documented key events in our history .
One of these exceptional photojournalist is the late John Downing MBE . A fellow Welshmen born in a town well known for rugby, Llanelli . He was one of the Best from the West .
His career took him from dark room apprentice with the Daily Mail to Chief Photographer for the Daily Express . He travelled extensively capturing Images in Vietnam, the Middle East, Central America, Africa, Afghanistan and former Yugoslavia.
He’s famous capturing the aftermath of the Brighton bombing in 1984 and the iconic shot of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband Denis being hastily driven away from the scene of the blast that killed five people was printed all over the world.
His book “Legacy” is an amazing a real treat and worthy to check out .
Published by Bluecoat Press (https://bluecoatpress.co.uk/product/legacy/)