Image of the Week (W/C 20th May 2019)
Stand out image for the week as seen on the the Home page, this long exposure night image of the Harbour lights at Playa Taurito Grand Canaria.
Taken with my Nikon d3200 with a Sigma 70-300mm zoom set at 135mm , F16, 90Sec exposure.
The long exposures just brings out the colours and still feeling of the night.
27th May 2019
Image of the Week (W/C 13th May 2019)
Simple some times just hits the right note, never more so than this image taken in Bute Park in early Spring. Pulse rate on 500 PX has exceeded other more challanging Images (See Here)
Taken as a test shot with a Nikkor 35-70mm Kit lens I was breaking in , at 70mm F4.5 and 1/400Sec.
20th May 2019
Instagram Theme
Starting 16th May 2019, theme for our daily Instgram feed will be leading Lines
The Rule of Composition that pulls the viewers eye into Image.
Follow us at
15th May 2019
Image of The Week (W/C 22nd April 2019)
Top image this week a monochrome taken in Sully, at low tide, the Island is in the background linked to the mainland with a natural causeway. Black and White my favoured medium, allows the viewer to consentrate on the content of the image
Taken with my dream team Nikon D2X and Tokina 11-16mm lens, set at full throw 11mm, F5 , 1/100Sec and iso 100
26th April 2019
A Black and White hit this weeks top shot ,used and distributed on most social media in prior weeks, taken during a snowy night, part of a set of 3 taken from my office window.
A real opportunety shot, these walkers came into view adding interest to the scene. Moody and capturing the weather, the constrast of light and dark does set off this image
Taken with a Nikon D3200, kit lens at 55mm, F5.6, 1/20th Sec and 6400 ISO
15th April 2019
This photo taken at the height of Summer last year, captured at Lower Machen, with a Nikon D3200 fitted with a Hoyarex Filter system, set with a polarizer and a graduated filter
Shot at 18mm , F6.3, 1/60th Sec and iso 100
8th April 2019
From a trip to Parc Bryn Bach, just off the Heads of the Valley Rd, this photo shows the lake and Island on a cold winter day, after the first snow fall for 2019, sky promised more snow but nothing came of it.
Taken with the Nikon D2X, with Tokina 11-16 set at 16mm, F71., 1800thSec and iso100
1st April 2019
Birthday flowers for my wife affords a chance to capture some simple still life's, bit of water sprayed on to the bloom, brings more interest to the composition.
This is a real pick up the camera and fire away no deep thinking just click away
Taken with Nikon D3200 50mm Prime, set at F3.5 1/80th Sec, iso 100, firing the built in flash
As the advert says "zimples"
25th March 2019
Last weeks top image came from a visit to Porthcawl, Rest Bay. Good composition suggests you need something in the foreground, I try to keep honest to such guides but do like to go off piste on occasions .
On the day the only foreground available was the dugged hole, it did the trick. For me the image represents the empty expance of the beach and Sky, with only some kite surfers in the background adding to the scene
Taken with the Nikon D2X and Tokina 11-16mm Zoom shot at 13mm, F13, 1/50thSec iso 100
18th March 2019
Very strong pulse rate performance on 500px coming late in the week. This is the first of a set from a visit to Porthcawl and Rest Bay. Again the sun and cloud cover made for some stunning opportunety's.
Saw these hardy winter surfers making their way to the sea.
Sporting a 35 - 70mm Nikkor lens, even at 70mm I needed to crop the image to create the right balance for the photo.Image to the right is the same composition, using a Nikon EM, 35mm Film, and 28-105 Tokina lens.
Check out my 500px account for daily updates
11th March 2019
Real winner this Black and White Image from a visit to Barry Island, just after Christmas, the low sun just created solid lines and the beach visitors delivers points of interest.
This visit produced a solid set of photo's , enjoyed the trip and getting the opportunity to gather great scenes
Old faithful combination D2X and Tokina 11-16mm Lens, set at 16mm, F8 1/640 p/Sec and 100 ISO
25th February 2019
Top two images chasing top slot, both Seascapes, major contast, the winner, colour image from Vietnam, runner up a Black and White from South Wales.
Check out the 2 people in the bottom corner and what they were up to. Classic .
Setting on my Nikon D3200 42mm focal length, F9 Aperture, 1/80thSec and 100 iso
18th February 2019
Nothing came close to this image last week, taken post Christmas, at Barry Island. The beach was well visited that morning, with low winter sun.
Waited to capture my wife and Alfie, alone in the shot , then really worked the dynamic range in processing to ensure what is presented reflected the drama of the sky, and calmness on the beach. Very similiar to the image taken at the same location taken in 2014 (See Left)
D2X used with Tokina 11-16 zoom set at 11mm,F8,1/1000thSec and iso 100
10th Febrary 2019
Iconic beachscape image of an amazing location Phu Quoc Island Vietnam. Taken on a hot hot December late afternoon, I love the composition and colour, from a memorable holiday
Taken with the a Nikon D2X and its go to partner the Tokina 11-16mm zoom lens . Set at F8, 1/90thSec, 11mm and 100 iso. Also fitted ND2 Filter
1st February 2019
A Black and White image of Tredegar House Lake. Visit prompted by an advert from the National Trust listing Tredegar House as one of their top 10 Christmas Walks. Taken on a very bright December morning in between showers there have been a number of images in the set taken and there is a colour version planned to be posted in the near future.
Taken with the Nikon D 3200 , kit lens set at 18mm,F9,200thSec and Iso 100
4th February 2019
The lead image for last week, is a first, a street image. In Black and White, the go to format for street.
I've been dipping a toe into street, my focus is always on composition , rather then telling a story or a social statement. The image below taken on a rainy day in Merthyr Tydfil, my aim was to capture, a leading line the pavement , diagonal's with the Christmas lights, visual layers in the fore, mid and background.
The free reward that has happened within the frame is the couple, in the mid ground, the women stop, and gave me direct eye contact, the outstreched arm of the male suggests seeking assistance. All at odds with the other people caught in frame
A deliberate capture, certainly not, rather a bonus that adds to the composition.
Nikon D2X used with a 28mm tokina prime lens set at f4.5, 1/90thSec and 100 iso
28th Janury 2019
Not oftain I get this but 500Px has thrown up a dead heat for Image of the Week. No greater contrast then these pair. A simple landscape verses a challanging night shot.
Check out my poll on Facebook Delweddau Images and cast a vote
Clear winner from the poll, Cardiff Bay night shot
21st January 2019
Spent an enjoyable time at Rest Bay Porthcawl, the light and its reflection on the wet sand made for some compelling pictures. Composition "Rules" tasks you to get a balance in your layers, fore, middle and background. I had discarded this for a number of images in the set happy to capture what was a special playing of light, sky and reflection.
Did spot a pink body board half way up the beach so took a number of exposure the five below is a sample how a single subject can be taken in differing ways to produce a set.
The set due to be posted on instagram in coming weeks so check out and follow me at
15th January 2019
A storming responce on 500PX for this image taken at Tredegar House a National Trust Property, listed as one of their 10 Christmas Walks, and very much worth a vist .
Taken with a Nikon D3200 kit lens set at 18mm , F5.6 ,125thSec and 100 iso
14th January 2019
Dipping into Ebay to see what's on offer in the world of photography, I've noticed a notable increase in "Aged" 35 mm Film camera's.
In the last two year there has been and increasing coverage in the media that Film photography is making a slow but steady come back, the desire for authenticity, and soul of 35mm images, is well apparant.
#filmisnotdead, hits the social media platforms in ever increasing numbers.
I conducted a survey today of the cost of 3 Camera's on Ebay ,all Buy only and UK based below are the results measured against my purchase price in prior years
A 10 Camera sample used for average price
Fed 4 £39 , 2017 acquired in mint condition £13 , (Check Blog 23rd July 2017)
Voightlander Vito £30 , 2018 bought for £4.99 (Check Blog 2018 Hf 1 18th Jan 2018)
Nikon F55 £26, picked up in 2017 at £10 (Check Blog 12th Aug 2017)
I believe there is a bit of an "Hipster" factor with the Fed 4 and Voighlander, with demand rattling the price up, but even the plastic body Nikon is showing a solid 260% increase in 18 months
NB I'm testing the Fed 4 currently following a repair on the shutter
8th January 2019
First top image for 2019 comes from a set from Phu Quoc Vietnam, very strong positive feedback on 500PX.
Taken on the later stage of our trip, during the late afternoon, with the light coming from the left as it starts to set.
Taken with Nikon D2X , Tokina 11-16mm Lens fitted with a ND2 Filter. Setting 11mm,F8,1/90thSec and 100 ISO
7th Jan 2019
Image of the Year is classic view of Caerphilly Castle. Taken in July, height of the 2018 Summer heat wave, the still day delivered an amazing reflection
The image was short listed from responces on social media, and my lead stock agency 500px. Two top images was then offered on my Facebook page for voting, so its a real people choice
Image was taken with my Nikon D2X, Tokina 11-16 Mm Lens set at 16mm. F7.1 ,1/250Sec and 100 iso. Processed using Cyberlink Photodirector 7.
31st December 2018
First theme for 2019, is a set of long exposure Night Images taking at Cardiff Barrage