25. Nov, 2021
There is nothing better then doing some still life photography when the weather restricts outdoor activity . List of subject matter is only restricted by the limits of your imagination. As a challenge just check out what you can find in kitchen listed below is some idea’s
Fruit and Veg -- Strawberries,kiwi fruit, mushrooms,broccoli, peppers,coffee beans, peppercorn, apples, banana etc etc
I could fill a page with subjects it is about opening your eyes to opportunities .
I use a simple soft box picked up cheap from Ebay as a mini studio set, with various colour backdrops to isolate the item against a single colour . One of my favourite “Hacks” is to place the item on a mirror , for me it just adds impact value to the image, it adds depth and 3D feel and forces the viewer to have a double take on what is being displayed .
Its a really calming experience spending time creating still life images and would recommend it to any budding photographers