4. Nov, 2021
I’ve found that its part of my make up when I enjoy an activity I get totally immersed and obsessed in it, this well describes my love of photography , I don’t find myself feeling uninspired not to capture images , so listed below is more about topping up my inspiration that readers my find helpful
2. Try something new. The pandemic forced me to review my activity, my favoured genre is Landscape, with travel restrictions this was restricted . To keep my photography going , a learned new things to do with a camera , macro, water splash, abstract and found my old friend the garden offered up lots of subjects to capture .
1. Create the habit, clocking up 10,00 Hrs of photographic activity to achieve “expertise” helps to make taking photo’s a focus point . I find myself scanning images even without a camera training your eye not miss an opportunity to punch the inspiration button
3. Set yourself a project, you could link this to Point 2 . One project I set myself in 2020 was to participate in the 52 Frames community (See Link https://52frames.com/). A weekly challenge to test creativity. I found it useful and the chance to see other contributors approach which does adds value to the exercise
5. Carry a camera always. I always carry my Panasonic TZ70 pocket camera just in case something presents itself worthy of capture. For the vast majority of people this isn’t an issue smart phones camera system are amazing
4. View the Masters, I love reading and looking at photographs produced by the “Master of Photography” . My 3 favoured photographers, Sir Don McCullen , and 2 fellow Welshmen John Downing and Philip Jones Griffith.