28. Oct, 2021
If you search the Web for rules of photography it can range between 5 to 21, yes 21 rules to draw on.
One Rule is not to have clutter in your frame , well I cannot have that amount of clutter in my Brain. From my days working as a Leader one of the acronym’s used was KISS , Keep It Simple Stupid.
With this in Mind I keep 4 “Rules” when compositing an Image
1. Leading Lines -- My favourite the attention grabbing of lines to draw the viewer into your image (See Leading Lines Section in the Website)
2. Rule of Thirds -- Imagine nine square boxes arranged in three rows Then place most important aspect of the image on one of the intersecting points
3. Patterns -- Looking for patterns within your image, e.g Flower Petals
4. Rule of Odds -- This is about making your photograph more visually appealing by using odd numbers (3,5,7…) of the subject e.g 3 birds, 5 people, 7 trees.
These 4 “Rules” are a framework for my image creation. But I do not allow them to hinder my creative expression , I will never be stifled by rule compliance at the cost of producing a photograph that is pleasing to me and may be other viewers.
Rules provide structure Yes , but be bold and go off path if it feels right